What is Earthing?
When you think about taking your shoes off and putting your feet in the grass or direct contact with the earth, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Do you feel a craving sensation like "Wow, it's been a while since I've done that and I miss it?"

Health Benefits
The health benefits will vary depending on the ingredients, but this beloved breakfast food is a healthy and delicious snack. These ingredients are full of fiber and good fats, making granola a nutrient-dense food. Here are some of the ways eating granola can benefit your health

Earthing Documentary

About Nature’s Path
The seed for Nature’s Path was planted way back in the 1930s when Arran Stephens was growing up on his family’s second-generation organic berry farm. Arran’s father taught him how to care for and nurture the soil, telling him to “always leave the earth better than you found it”. These words have been woven into the very fabric of Nature’s Path.